- Kill It & Grill It recap
- 2 Bar C Ranch with Clyde
- Whats a modern day cattleman
- Genetics
- Hobby ranchers
- What are your intentions
- Story Time with Slim
- Broken bones and missing digits
- Knowing Cole Bolton
- Setting the bar of quality
- The bottleneck
- Hometown Meats vs major processing centers
- Voice of the ranchers
- How to find 2 Bar C Ranch
- Beef Initiative Micro Summits
- Value4Value Boost the Beef!
Where to find 2 Bar C Ranch
Tennessee Beef Initiative Micro-Summit
DEC 8-9 2022
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Texas Slim – / moderntman
The Beef Initiative / beefinitiative
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Slim’s Substack https://texasslim.substack.com
Education, Beef Boxes, Producers, and more!